So no, I didn't have any Koala Tea. I did hold one, though and feed it eucalyptus leaves. You know, eats chutes and leaves. It's true. Had an absolutely amazing day in Fremantle and Perth and areas beyond today. Started out a bit on the cool side, but it warmed up. Last night, we (Me, Ben, Ross, Lisa) decided to go to Armadale to see the Koalas since we missed out on them last time. I wasn't going to go, as it cost a bit of money that i really can't afford, but then I started thinking about how I am only here once, and would I regret it, and so I decided to go and do it. It was amazing. Took the train from Fremantle to Perth, which is gorgeous. Perth, not the train. And then from Perth to Armadale, which is out in east nowhereland. Kind of a haul out there. Once we got there, there were no cabs to be found to take us to the Koala sanctuary. So we waited, and found a taxi stand. There were five of us (Bill ended up joining us. He is our guitarist in the show band.). But of course, the taxi can only take four. So, guess who was the odd man out? Yeppers. Bill was kind enough to stay behind as well. So, we only had to wait about ten minutes, which wasn't bad. Got to the Koala sanctuary. What an interesting place.
It looked like it was a children's theme park under construction, or destruction. There was an unfinished railroad with tracks that kind of went nowhere, and crumpled up dinosaurs off to the side. I don't know what the dinosaurs had to do with Koalas, but they were interesting. The place cost 15 AUD to get in, and then additional if you wanted to hold the koalas. Of course, I fell for it and paid out the nose to do it. It was worth it. Have I mentioned that it was worth it yet?
Pics are coming...
We also saw kangaroos... yes, that is my hand feeding them. And a kookaburra, owls, and other little crawly and hopping animals that enjoy the comfort of humans. Got attacked by an ostrich through a chain link fence, and then got eaten by a dinosaur of some type.
Have I mentioned the flies yet?
Did you hear a kookaburra laugh? It sounds like Brady's laugh.