Broome is amazing! Beautiful. Went to Cable Beach, hung out with James and Ben, and had a close encounter with a blue bottle jellyfish... yes, this is one of the deadly ones. Not to worry, mom... I just got close to it, but not close enough to touch it. Okay, I lie. I touched it, but not the stinging part. I'll even post a pic of it, because believe it or not, it was quite beautiful. The water temperature was probably in the high 80's, and felt like bath water, no kidding. I went swimming for the first time in ages, and it was well worth the effort, not to mention the hot lifeguards. The rest of the gang went camel riding down the beach, but I passed on it, trying to save money. No regrets, though. I am saving my money to go skydiving with the gang in New Zealand. How many people can you honestly say you know who have done that? It will be my Christmas present to myself. It's really amazing how quickly money goes here. Everything is really crazy expensive. A pizza at the restaurant we went to today was over 20 bucks. I ended up having french fries, and that alone was 6. Yucky on the money deal.
Came back to the ship, had dinner in the Horizon. Had orange roughy and some veggies. It was good, but the apple pie for dessert was atrocious. What i wouldn't give for a good old fashioned piece of apple or cherry pie!
Have yet to eat in the dining room... not sure why I haven't yet. Maybe because I have to get all dressed up to be seen outside my cabin, and I really don't want to get all gussied up just to go possibly spill cold soup on myself. Oh, the dilemma of living on a cruise ship!
The new girl is great. She has a great personality, and is a decent dancer as well. She evens out the American to Brit ratio... she's from Missouri. We open with our new cast day after tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the Halloween party that the dancers are hosting. I have no idea what we are doing for decorations, as no one yet again seems to know what the heck is going on. Communication is something to be desired here. I was originally going to go to our party as Jonah from Summer Heights High, an hysterical sitcom/mockumentary on Aussie TV here. It is absolutely a kick in the pants funny show. Paul and the gang would absolutely love it, as one of the characters is a high school drama teacher. Very funny. I bought the DVD set while I was in Sydney last, and just laugh until i cry watching it. Check it out on youtube...
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