Monday, September 26, 2011

For Gaby and Grama Beech!

on a roll!

This top photo is the best of the bunch, i think. It looks almost like a painting...

They were all taken in Perth, Western Australia at King's Park. It is wildflower season, and these are all part of the exhibit at the park. Enjoy.

pushing my luck?

We'll see... finally uploading pics from the past couple of weeks... Here are pics from Fremantle, Bunbury, and Albany, not necessarily in any order at all...

one last try before bed

Saturday, September 24, 2011

finally! some news from abroad

unfortunately there is not much to report. But I do have some fun pics to post, so enjoy. the ship is the same. lots of unnecessary drama, but nothing that is unbearable. it makes me feel really old working with kids. but what can you do? i need the job. sad state when you start to sacrifice your morals for a job. but here i am. working on a floating retirement home. gotta love it. peyton place that floats. i'm homesick, can you tell?

so the pictures aren't loading, and i am totally over the crappy internet connections here.