So, as is tradition for me to do on the ships, every home port, I hold a wine and cheese get together for the cast in my cabin. Last year, it looked like St. Nick vomited in my cabin, what with all the decorations everywhere. This year, since I will be having company for the cruise, I needed to consolidate the decorations in a way that would make more room in my cabin. I decided to go with a minimalist style tree... and I made a little sitting room in my cabin for those of us who are extremely homesick and miss sitting around the fire roasting chestnuts. (Like I ever did THAT!)
Anyhow, here are the pics... on a side note, one of my guests, who was an officer, asked me to help him decorate the bridge for Christmas. So I did. But I don't have any pics of the bridge decorations, sorry. Here are the ones of my Christmas Cabin.
The chimney now has garland and other decorations hanging from it, so it's not as bleak as the picture makes it look. Many thanks to Paul for making me do tons of set painting in my teaching days...